Objectives and principles of the ‘Studienhaus’

The society 'Evangelisches Studienhaus’ is responsible for the student house. Since 2010, the 'Studienhaus' has been in Riehen and is led by the pastors of the Swiss Reformed Church in the village church in Riehen Revs. Dan and Martina Holder.

The president of the society is Thilo Arend-Heidbrinck. Together with the board of the society and its members, the vision  is for students of theology to experience Christian community and spiritual life while studying.

In addition to joint prayer times, evenings of theological reading and community events there is also the opportunity for spiritual direction by the ministers leading the house. The ‘Studienhaus’ maintains close contacts with the local Swiss reformed congregation. During semester time there are regular ‘Guest Evenings’ open to students and members of the congregation where a guest lecturer from the university or from other academic institutions is invited to speak on relevant topics from church and theology.

The objectives and principles of the ‘Studienhaus’ can be briefly described using the following terms:



Integral to the Christian theological enterprise is a faithful und trusting devotion to the message of Jesus Christ as it is attested to in Scripture. We trust that God's Word and his commands are relevant and effective in our generation and have meaning for us.


Freedom and Responsibility

Within the scope of the theological enterprise there must be freedom and responsibility to relate matters of faith with intellectual and current discourses in society and science (compare "fides quaerens intellectum" - Anselm). The ‘Studienhaus’ promotes such study and encourages the students in it.


Hope and Joy

Forms and expressions of church life and styles of piety change with the times. Those entrusted with theological leadership must search for ways to connect Christian hope to the service of Christ's Church and the world. This is founded in the confidence and joy that not we but Jesus Christ himself is the "author and perfecter of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2).

Leaders of the house

Rev. Dr. Dan Holder and Rev. Dr. Martina Holder
Rev. Dr. Dan Holder and Rev. Dr. Martina Holder

The leaders of the 'Studienhaus' and the house coordinator have committed themselves to running the house according to the guidelines of the society 'Evangelisches Studienhaus'. 

The leaders of the 'Studienhaus' are responsible for interviews with those wishing to be admitted to the house and then make their recommendation to the board of the society. 

The house coordinator is responsible for the practicalities and everyday running of the house (showing the rooms, handing over keys, looking after the house, helping with contacts in the Church).


Leaders of the house: 

Rev. Dr. Dan Holder and Rev. Dr. Martina Holder
Ref. Pfarramt Riehen-Dorf
Kirchstr. 7, CH-4125 Riehen
Telephone +41 61 641 11 21
dan.holder@erk-bs.ch / martina.holder@erk-bs.ch

Scociety Evangelische Studienhaus

The society 'Evangelisches Studienhaus' runs the Studienhaus and rents the rooms.   


Thilo Arend-Heidbrinck,



House Coordinator

The house coordinator is Regina Keilwerth. She is responsible for the practical running of the house and for the rental agreements. 


Regina Keilwerth: regina@keilwerth.ch